From a young mother raising her children on a small, thriving hilltop, to a commander on the Gaza border fighting to protect his communities from rockets and terrorism, to a surfer following God’s call to plant vines on rocky mountains. Prepare to be inspired!
Daniella Weiss
Ari Briggs
Matti Blumburg
Yossi Maimon
Avraham Hermon
David Haivri
Nir Lavi
Moshe Kempinski
Jeremy Gimpel
Batya Sela
Moshe and Leah Goldsmith
Avraham Hertzlich Part 2: The Shepherd
Avraham Hertzlich: The Shepherd
Erez Ben Sa’adon Part 2: Rechelim
Yonaton Behar
ErezBen Sa’adon Part 1: Rechelim
The Blue and White Shop: Udi Merioz
The Chocolate Factory
David Rubin: Shiloh