The sound of the shofar - traveling through time and across the world, managed to reach a student in the midst of a chemistry exam and changed his life forever. Moshe Kempinski has lived in Jerusalem for decades, and during that time has managed to inspire thousands of Zionist Christians who have come through his shop in the heart of the Old City. His perspective? “You did not make the decision to come to Israel. You are here by God’s invitation.” Moshe’s warm personality and natural storytelling ability will leave you hanging on the edge of your seat.
Joshua & Caleb Report
Join Joshua and Caleb Waller as they hear the inspiring stories of people all across the Heartland of Israel.
From a young mother raising her children on a small, thriving hilltop, to a commander on the Gaza border fighting to protect his communities from rockets and terrorism, to a surfer following God’s call to plant vines on rocky mountains. Prepare to be inspired!