The program is hosted by TV7 Israel News anchor Jonathan Hessen.
Gaza : Strategic and Tactical Aspects
US to Frustrate Iran’s Nuclear Ambitions?
From Ankara to Damascus to Jerusalem : Challenges and Opportunities
Israel vs Iran’s Faltering Axis of Resistance
Iran’s nuclear weapons race: from the threshold to the brink?
Israel’s Northern Woes: security amid instability
Iran’s Nuclear aspirations: should Israel strike?
Syria: A desperate attempt to glue a torn country
Facing the Iranian challenge
Western Efforts to Confront Iran’s Global Belligerence
The US- Israel Alliance amid Mideastern Complexities
Syria: Does Al-Qaeda Hold Sway over Damascus?
The Gaza Strip: Can Hamas be Eradicated?
Jerusalem's most Pressing Strategic Challenges
Confronting Iran’s Axis of Terror Proxies: What’s next?
Iran’s Race Towards Nuclear Weapons Proliferatio
Israel versus Iran: what’s next?
Damascus’ Jihadist Ruler : Regional Implications
A New Trump-Era for the Middle East : Geo-Strategic Overview
Israel's State of War VS the Iran-led Axis
Israel: 2025 Strategic Outlook
Syria’s Profound Internal and Foreign Challenges
Iran’s Nuclear Race : On a Collision Course
Syria’s Future : Key Strategic Challenges Ahead
The Fall of the Assad Regime : What’s Next?
Iran’s Nuclear Proliferation in Defiance of Global Concerns
Syria at War : Dissecting the Strategic Landscape
Israel’s seven front war: How does victory look like?
Iran’s Nuclear Proliferation: Inching toward Weaponization
Iran versus Israel: Seven Mideast Fronts of Active Warfare
The Mideast Strategic Woes: Facing Iran's Belligerent Behavior on Multiple Fronts
Facing Islamist Anti-Semitism in the West
U.S. President Donald Trump's Victory, part 2
U.S. President Donald Trump's Victory, part 1
Israel’s post-strike posture vis-a-vis Iran
Countering Iran’s belligerent strategy
Israel’s strategic objectives for Lebanon
Policy after Polls : Israel at War
Israel Vs. Iran - what Cycle? Israel at War
Iran's nuclear weapons program: On the verge of breakout
A Year of War: Israel versus Iran's Axis of Evil
US and European Policies vis-à-vis the Middle East : Israel at War
Prospects of a Wider Conflagration: Israel vs Iran
Israel versus Hezbollah: entering into a new stage of warfare
Jordan’s Strategic Woes and the Ramifications for Israel
Europe’s Stance on Israel : the Institution VS Member States
The Philadelphi Corridor and Hamas' bid to Survive
Israel's Preparations for a Full-Scale Northern War
Iran's Nuclear Weapons Race : Breakout Inevitable? Israel at War
Iran's Push for Influence in the Arabian Peninsula and Horn of Africa : Israel at War
Dangers Ahead?
Israel’s Geo-Strategic Woes, amid Prospects of Escalation - Part II
Israel’s Geo-Strategic Woes, amid Prospects of Escalation - Part I
West VS East vis-a-vis Mideast Intricacies – Israel at War
The Middle East on the Cusp of Wide-Scale War - Israel at War
A Strategic Overview of the Iran-Israel War - Part 2 : Israel at War
A Strategic Overview of the Iran-Israel War - Part 1 : Israel at War
Iran’s threat to global security
Israel-Lebanon on the brink of all-out war
Iran and a Multi-Sector War : Israel at War
Iran’s Nuclear Race: Israel at War
Iran and its Regional Proxies: the Rising Threat of War : Israel at War
srael’s Strategic Conundrum: From Gaza through Washington to Beirut
Europe’s Election and Implications for the Mideast : Israel at War
A Fresh Look at Washington Mideast Policy : Israel at War
Holding in Gaza, Racing in Tehran? Israel at War
Military Moves under Legal Limits - Israel after two Hague Blows : Israel at War
U.S.-Europe Foreign Policy vs Mideast & Israel : Israel at Wa
Iran VS Israel : The Looming Threat of Regional Conflagration : Israel at War
The Palestinian Quest for Statehood : Israel at War
Iran’s Grand Strategy Amid Western Complacency : Israel at War
The Middle East : Emerging Counter-Balancing Alliances : Israel at War
Hamas VS Israel : What's Next? Israel at War
Western policy of containment versus aggressive adversaries
US-Israel VS Iran-Russia-China in the Mideast
Defense and Offense in Regional Conflicts
The Gaza War and the Iranian Dimension
Iran’s Nuclear Race: Is Breakout Imminent?
Countering Threats to Freedom of Navigation
Six Months of Fighting Across the Lebanon-Israel Border
Lost in Translation?
Egypt, challenge or crisis, Israel at War
Israel's Northern Arena : Iran's Military Preparations for War
Mideast Intricacies amid Strategic Power Competition
US - Israel Relations, Amid Rising Bilateral Tensions : Israel at War
Can Israel Defeat Hamas, as International Pressure Mounts? Israel at War
Anti-Semitism : Spillover from the Israel-Hamas War?
Can a Northern War be Averted? Israel at War
Iran's Nuclear Program : IAEA Raises the Alarm : Israel at War
The Middle East : A Regional Threat Assessment : Israel at War
Iran's Nuclear Race : Is a Looming Breakout Inevitable? Israel at War
Hezbollah’s Low-Intensity War versus Israel
Egypt’s Crucial Role in Mideast Stability amid Looming Rafah Offensive
Iran’s Threat to Middle East Stability : Prospects of Wider Escalation - Israel at War
The Western Response to the Gaza War & Regional Hostilities - Israel At War
The Middle East : Geo-Political and Strategic Intricacies - Israel at War
Iran’s Nuclear Progress: Prospects of Breakout - Israel at War
Israel’s Northern Conundrum: Is War with Hezbollah Inevitable?
Rising Tensions amid Iran’s Regional Aspirations
Iran’s Nuclear Program amid Accelerated Proliferation
Escalating Mideast Tensions
CENTCOM's Multi-Arena Challenges amid rising regional tensions
Prospects of regional conflagration
Escalating tensions in the Red Sea
Prospects of Israel's northern Front plunging into War
The Israeli Air Force as Jerusalem’s Strategic Asset amid Regional Hostilities: Israel at War
Israel-Lebanon Escalation. Israel at War
The Middle East : Dissecting the Geo-Strategic Intricacies (Part 2) : Israel At War
The Middle East : Dissecting the Geo-Strategic Intricacies (Part 1) : Israel At War
Iran’s Nuclear Progress - Deepening ties with Russia
Geo-Strategic Implications amid Israel’s War with Hamas
Iran's regional proxy wars; Threats of Wider Escalation
The Red Sea. Iran’s Proxy War vs Israel. Israel at War
Iran’s Nuclear Program Rising Threat to Global Security. Israel at War
Israel at war. Israel & the Arab world, a geo-strategic conundrum
Israel At War – Unveiling Iran’s nuclear file, amid regional escalation
Israel At War – Geo-Strategic Assessment, Facing the Iranian threat
Israel at War: Recounting the October 7th Massacre
Israel At War - Geo-Strategic Assessment. Part 6
Israel At War - Geo-Strategic Assessment. Part 5
Israel At War - Geo-Strategic Assessment. Part 4
Israel At War - Geo-Strategic Assessment. Part 3
Israel At War - Geo-Strategic Assessment. Part 2
Israel At War - Geo-Strategic Assessment. Part 1
Israel at War: Strategic Overview - International Support for Israel
Israel at War: Prospects of a Multi-Sector Conflagration - Strategic Assessment
Iran’s enhanced empowerment: Geo-strategic implications
Prospects of Israel-Saudi normalization as part of a U.S.-Saudi Agreement
Gaza escalation: What does Hamas want?
Israel-European relations amid global shifts
Iran’s ballistic missile proliferation amid expiring UN restrictions
Prospects of Israel-Saudi normalization
The Abraham Accords: Three Years Anniversary
Iran’s nuclear progress; Saudi Aspirations for a Nuclear Program
Hezbollah-Hamas-PIJ preparing for a multi-sector war vs Israel
Israel-Gaza tensions on the rise; prospects of escalation
Military’ Mideast deployment amid rising tension
What Lies Ahead For Saudi Arabia?
Military deployments in Syria
Syria’s chemical weapons stockpiles
Rising U.S.- Russia tensions in Syria
Is a nuclear armed Iran inevitable?
U.S.-Iran tensions: prospects of escalation
Israel-Lebanon: security situation assessmen
Israel's contribution to Europe's Security
Viability of U.S.-Iran “Understandings” to avert Nuclear Breakout
Israel’s preparedness for a Multi-Sector War
Infrastructure Sabotage - Could The Mideast Copy Europe
U.S.-Saudi relations amid China’s growing MidEast’ influence
Iran’s nuclear progress
Erdogan Re-elected
Syria Back in the Arab Fold
Israel’s Aerial Superiority
Operation Shield & Arrow: Recap, Lessons learned
Post-election Turkey: What’s next?
Iran’s growing influence over Damascus; Regional implications
Israel’s state of deterrence; Credible Military Threat vs adversaries
Naval Israel-U.S. cooperation amid rising maritime tensions
Russia’s bid to normalize Syria-Turkey relations
The Arabian Gulf: Shifting Sands amid global developments
Sudan: Internal Discord, geopolitical implications
Memorial and Independence Days - Israeli Stoctaking at 75
Israel’s challenge of facing multi-sector threats
Israel’s northern front amid rising tensions
Rising U.S.-Iran tensions in the Mideast
Israel between two maritime fronts
Forty Years since the establishment of CENTCOM: Objectives for Mideast
One year Anniversary to Operation Waves Breaker
Israel’s challenges emanating from the Lebanese sector
Ten years to Israel’s Campaign Between the Wars
The Iran-Saudi deal vs Israel’s regional integration
Israel's external challenges amid internal strife
Can Israel rely on the West vs Iran?
Russia’s state of play in the Middle East amid the war in Ukraine
Military implications of Russia-Ukraine war for the Mideast
Prospects of escalation amid elevated Israel-Palestinian tensions
Iran’s efforts to restart talks on JCPOA revival
Israel’s northern arena amid earthquake’ devastation
Israel’s path into Africa amid recent developments
How credible is a Military Threat vs Iran’s nuclear program?
Operation Waves Breaker: status report
Iran's race to nuclear weapon capabilities
Making sense of Mideast alliances
The U.S.-Israel alliance amid global developments
Changing of Guard at IDF
Is Israel’s democracy under threat amid looming judicial reform?
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: Vision of a new MidEast
Israel’s Security Assessment amid developingregional threats
The enhanced Russian-Iranian military relationship
Prospects for 2023
Recap 2022
China’s growing influence over the Mideast
Israel’s Intelligence Assessment for 2023
Egypt-Israel relations - a strategic overview
Israel-U.S. relations amid Jerusalem power-change
Israel under threat of terror
Turkey’s looming offensive into Syria
Russia in mideast
Israel-Turkey relations ahead of a new government in Jerusalem
U.S. Mid-Term elections: Implications for the Middle East
Israel’s Polls, Politics and Policy
Syria and Hamas - a renewed alliance?
Iran’s drones - a real threat to Ukraine or a pretext to gain Israeli support?
Topic updated: The Unstable Situation in Iran.
Tensions escalate: Jerusalem & the West Bank
Saudi Arabia's alignment amid shifting sands
Israel-Lebanon: Reaching an Agreement
Israel’s upcoming elections: Jerusalem’s reins of power
IAEA investigations into Iran’s undeclared nuclear activity
The Russia-Ukraine war and its effects on the Middle East and Syria
Israel’s economy amid global instability
Hezbollah’s threat of dragging Israel-Lebanon into war
IDF rules of engagement in war on terror
Iran’s nuclear program, prospects of JCPOA-2
Israel Defense Force: A New Commander in Chief
Iran’s nuclear diplomacy. What’s expected next?
Israel's Campaign Between the Wars vs Iran
The battle over Iraq amid Iran's unrelenting grip
Israel-Turkey: normalization of bilateral relations
Iran’s deliberate nuclear advances despite “Vienna talks”
Concerns over Israel’s northern front
Iran’s nuclear deal: What’s next?
The global war on Islamic terror
Turkey-Israel Cooperation versus Iranian terror
Washington’s MidEast Efforts and Aspirations
Lebanon: will political instability lead to war?
Israel's military preparedness post-Chariots of Fire
Turkey's security-related considerations for Syria & Iraq
Jerusalem’s political stability
Iran’s nuclear advances amid diplomatic deadlock
Iran's domestic woes due to its malign priorities
Gaza: An obstacle to regional stability
The Damascus-Tehran link amid global developments
US-Israel relations amid great power competition
Iran’s nuclear advances and regional implications
Lebanon Pre-Election analysis
US-Iran standoff amid stalled nuclear talks
Tensions over sovereignty and freedom of worship
Israel-Russia relations amid Ukraine war
Israel’s political stability
Israel’s war on terror
Yemen's domestic turmoil amid regional rivalries
Iran: nuclear versus revolutionary aspirations
Efforts to revive a Palestinian-Israel political process
Israel's security in the Cyber spher
ussia-Ukraine war: Implications for the Mideast
Turkey-Israel relations
Iran's nuclear program: latest developments
Eleven years to the Syria Conflict
Regional security cooperation to contend with rising Iranian threats
Iran's nuclear and ballistic missile advancements
Lebanon: state of affairs amid escalating rhetoric
Israel’s defensive preparedness amid rise of UAS threats
The Russia-Ukraine crisis: Implications for the Middle East
The battle against ISIS amid its resurgence
Iran’s nuclear program: Final diplomatic stretch in Vienna?
The battle over Yemen: Regional & Global implications
Israel's northern challenges and threats - security assessment
Turkey-Israel relations amid overtures for normalization
Iran's nuclear progress amid prolonged talks in Vienna
Israel-Jordan relations - geo-strategic analysis
The Iranian nuclear file amid escalating tensions
Israel’s challenges vs Iran amid presumed diplomatic concessions
Israel’s post conflict preparedness: analysis of the lessons learned
Projections for 2022 - strategic analysis
TV7 Annual review - 2021 Recap
What to be done if Iran nuclear talks fail?
Iran’s nuclear progress amid talks in Vienna
Israel-Turkey relations amid renewed dialogue
Iran's intentions ahead of revived JCPOA talks in Vienna
Syria's state of affairs amid foreign intervention
Iran’s Shadow War with Israel and the West
Pending resumption of Iran nuclear talks in Vienna
Sudan: Post Coup Analysis
Turkey’s regional and geo-political standing
Iran’s nuclear program: regional implications
Eastern Mediterranean: tensions on the rise
Iran's strategic overview amid rising tensions
Iraq's post-election analysis
The United States: Middle East interests & challenges
Lebanon’s domestic woes & implications for Israel
Iran’s nuclear program: prospects of JCPOA
Israel and the Arab world – Challenges & Opportunities
Iran’s nuclear aspirations
Turkey's regional opportunities and challenges
Israel's southern security challenges
Iran's nuclear program - prospects of Israeli action
Russia’s Mideast interests & challenges
Israel’s northern front amid Iranian entrenchment
China’s pivot Westward amid Great-Power competition
Israel’s global efforts to confront Iran
Afghanistan: Regional & Global Implications
Iran's nuclear program amid IAEA warnings
US-Israel relations amid pivot
Israel’s maritime domain amid security challenges
The battle against Islamic terror
Iran’s new appointed regime’s policies
Iran’s nuclear aspirations and activities
Israel’s state of security amid regional developments
Regional Status Report
The Eastern Mediterranean - Israel’s challenges & opportunities
Gaza: State of Affairs, interests and challenges
Israel-Europe relations: overview amid latest developments
Jerusalem's political horizon amid regional challenges
Israel’s state of security amid regional developments
Israel’s new government: prospects & challenges
The Iran nuclear deal amid regional tensions
Israel's political conundrum and security implications
Iran's regional aspirations and activities
Post-Guardian of the Walls: overview & analysis
Europe’s strategic challenges amid global changes
Israel’s campaign between the wars
Russia-Turkey relations amid latest developments
Israel’s political deadlock - New government on the horizon
Russia-Iran tensions over control of Syria
General Overview: Efforts to revive the Iran Nuclear Deal in Vienna
U.S. Mideast strategic interests and challenges
Israel vs Iran: The Campaign Between the Wars
Jordan’s stability: strategic overview
Israel between national days and political deadlock
Israel’s preparedness amid looming threats
Iran’s revolutionary policies amid Western scrutiny
Russia-Israel relations - Strategic Overview
Jerusalem's political instability
Lebanon domestic woes amid deep rooted corruption
Israel Post-Election Overview
Israel’s Elections Day - Special
EastMed Strategic regional overview
Egypt’s challenges between East & West
Israel vs Iran; tensions on the rise
Iraq: domestic challenges amid foreign influences
US-Iran renegotiating JCPOA; Overview
Yemen Conflict: Conflict, terror & humanitarian concerns
Is the MidEast heading toward a nuclear arms race?
Global power competition: Mideast’ implication
Israel’s northern front: challenges & opportunities
Turkey-Israel relations; Friend or Foe?
Iran's nuclear ambitions - between war & diplomacy
Libya’s future and strategic significance
U.S.-Israel relations amid regional challenges
Israel and the Arab world
Syria’s state of affairs amid regional tensions
Israel-Greece relations and common challenges
Iran’s nuclear ambitions amid global changes
Jerusalem’s political instability amid challenges
Israel: overall projections for 2021
2020 recap: lessons & projections
The EastMed dispute & its implications for Israel - Part 2
The EastMed dispute & its implications for Israel - Part 1
Iran's nuclear Ambitions amid Latest developments
Israel heading to Parliamentary elections
Are Earthquakes threatening Israel’s Home Front?
Israel’s preparedness for a wide-scale conflict
MidEast Cyber & Security
Israel's expected strategy to thwart Iran's nuclear activities
The Eastern Mediterranean - Latest Developments
U.S. Elections Special; implications for the MidEast
Turkey-Israel: From Strategic partners to regional rivals
Europe's battle against Islamist terror
Israel-Armenia relations amid challenges and interests
Turkey’s global standing, interests and challenges
Iran's regional policies & global standing
East-Mediterranean tensions. Geopolitical overview
Israel's diplomatic standing and challenges
East Mediterranean tensions, prospects of de-escalation
Lebanon-Israel negotiations
The Nagorno-Karabach conflict - Israeli perspectives
Iraq a strategic overview between east and west
Turkey-EU relations amid EastMed dispute
Iran’s aspirations amid global quarrels
The Eastern Mediterranean dispute: a strategic overview
Israel's vision for regional peace, security and prosperity
Israel's battle against the Coronavirus
France’s growing Mideast presence
The Palestinian cause between diplomacy and conflict
The Syria conflict: Latest developments
East Mediterranean disputes; Israeli concerns and Interests
Intra-Arab alliances, challenges and interests
US maximum pressure campaign vs Iran
Lebanon battles for survival amid deep-rooted distress
Challenges on Israel's southern front with Gaza
Israel’s rapprochement to the Arab world
East Mediterranean - Turkey Greece tensions
China's growing influence over Iran
Israel's Imminent Security Challenges
Israeli sovereignty over the West Bank, prospects and challenges
Europe-Israel relations amid talks of West Bank annexation
Iran’s unyielding pursuit of nuclear weapon capabilities
Saudi-Israel relations and prospects of peace
Libya’s conflict and strategic significance
Israel’s growing security challenges. Part 2
Israel’s growing security challenges. Part 1
Iranian's regional activities in the face of Israeli active resistance
Israel's interests and challenges vs-a-vis West Bank annexation
Israel’s qualitative edge amid regional turmoil
Israel's newly formed national unity government
Libya: latest update on the situation
U.S. regional challenges and interests
Israel’s regional security challenges
Egypt’s efforts to attain social stability & Security
Iran's military advancement amid COVID19
Israel's National Emergency Government amid COVID19
Syria vs Turkey amid the Corona-crisis
Israel's relentless battle vs the corona-virus
Israel, the Palestinians and the Corona virus
Israel's battle against the Coronavirus
Iran aspirations and challenges amid COVID19
Israel's unyielding battle vs the corona virus
Mideast Strategic security challenges amid COVID19
Israel’s efforts amid COVID19 crisis
Israel security challenges amid COVID-19 (part 2)
Israel security challenges amid COVID-19 (part 1)
The Iranian nuclear program
Israel and the Coronavirus, a world pandemic
Israel’s qualitative edge amid regional turmoil
Syria vs Turkey, war and diplomacy
U.S.-Israel bilateral relations 2020
Israel’s unprecedented 3rd round of elections
Prospects of a wide-scale Russia-Turkey conflict
Israel’s preparedness to tackle the coronavirus
Turkey’s regional security challenges & aspirations
Israel Unprecedented 3rd Round of Elections
Syria: latest developments
Israel’s security challenges amid escalating tensions
Israel’s regional standing and challenges
U.S. ‘deal of the century’, projections and implications
Topic: Turkey-Egypt rising tensions over regional dominance
Iran’s ideological aspirations and hurdles
Israel’s legal challenges amid ICC investigations
Struggles of democracies to combat totalitarian regimes
East Mediterranean conflicts and alliances
Prospects of a wider Mideast conflict
Israel election 2020
Jerusalem's security challenges for 2020
The strategic dynamic between Jerusalem and Damascus
Jerusalem Studio’s 2019 Recap
Israel’s 3rd round of elections
Is the Middle East on the verge of a second “Arab Spring”?
Europe’s insistence to preserve the Iran nuclear deal
Israel-Iran: Growing prospects of a direct confrontation
Israel: Political turmoil within uncharted waters
Israel-Jordan: Diplomacy & Security
Israel’s challenge of confronting Gaza Islamist
Russia’s growing influence over the Mideast
Implications of Iran’s nuclear scale-back
Israel, vying for security amid political instability
Lebanon, public outcry for security and stability
Is Israel headed to a third round of elections
Syria, a global effort in war on terror
Turkey’s military plans in Syria
Egypt: social unrest challenges stability
Israel-Iran: prospects of wide-scale conflict
Israel’s economic stability and challenges
U.S.-Israel alliance: challenges and interests
Iran-Saudi Arabia: Prospects of an all-out conflagration
Post-Election Developments in Israel
Reemergence of the Islamic State
Islam’s Shi’ite-Sunni Mideast Rivalries
Israel’s Parliamentary Election Day
Syria, eight-and-a-half year to its multi-sided conflict
Iran and the West - latest developments
Israeli preparedness amid heightened tensions
Europe, a Union of Divisions in Foreign Policy
Iraq, a battlefield of global and regional rivalries
Rising tensions in and around the Gaza Strip
Iran vs West, strategies & tactics
The Iran crisis amidst global rivalries
Tue 13.8.2019 at 20.30The European Union and Israel
Iran and its nuclear ambitions
Persecution of Christians in the Middle East
Lebanon-Israel: conflict resolution & mediation
Gaza: prospects & concerns
Iran & the West, diplomacy and war
Jerusalem's political stability and implications
Iran's defiance amidst mounting pressure
Israeli-Palestinian conflict, international angle
U.S.-Iran, on a course of collision
Israeli-Arab conflict, battle over Jerusalem
Global rivalries, regional impact
Topic - The dangers of militant Islam
Topic – Iran under strict sanctions regime
'Deal of the century' amid battle over sovereignty
Israel-Lebanon: Prospects of a summer conflict
Rising tensions between the U.S. and Iran
Egypt’s strive for stability
Turkey’s dilemma between East and West
Israel’s post-elections special
Developments on the Israeli-Syrian front
Iran's malign activities amid natures' wrath
Israel Elections Special
Elections amid growing security challenges
Russia in the Middle East
US in the Middle East
The Israeli elections
The Arab world and the Palestinians
The Syrian front
Latest developments on Iran sanctions
European relations with the Arab world
Developments on the Syria front
Conflict and resolution in Mideast strategies
The battle for peace and security
International alliances in regional conflicts
Global efforts to curb Iranian aggression
Russia and its regional aspirations
Iran-Syria cooperation amid international constraints
Lebanon, the battle for stability
The demise of Palestinian unity aspirations
Egypt 2019
40 years to Iran’s Islamic Revolution
Europa mot Iran, sanktioner och överenskommelser.
Fri 18.1.2019 at 20.30Israel, call for early elections
Syria, following US decision to withdraw
Growing alliance between Israel, Greece and Cyprus
2018 – Recap
Growing Iranian influence in Iraq, despite U.S. objections
Russian-Israeli relations amid Iranian expansionism
Israel's challenges from its northern frontier
Antisemitism – Anti-Zionism 2018
The IDF under newly appointed chief of staff
EU supports JCPOA yet considers sanctioning Iran
Israel faces challenges amid coalition instability
Radical Islam and its Jihad vs. the West
Saudi Arabia following the Khashoggi affair
Syria, the battle between East and West
Iran following US midterm elections
Israel and the Arab world
Iran under a new US sanctions regime
Turkey on the border between East and West
Israel-Jordan, peace treaty enters 25th year
Next round of us sanctions on Iran
Egypt, reasserting its role as a regional mediator
Sailing for Jesus and Israel
The battle over narratives in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict
Iraq's newly appointed President amid the Iran-U.S. rivalry
Russia's deployment of the S-300 in Syria & its implications for Israel
Israel and Hamas, on a course of war
Israel-Russia power comparison amid crisis
Shadow wars between Israel and Iran
EU-US relations, Middle East implications
US-Palestinians relations
Regional challenges ahead of UNGA - Donor conference
Strategic outlook for Israel as it starts a new Hebrew year
Israel upgrading its military qualitative edge
Iran's desperate attempt to preserve its nuclear deal
Syria's alleged use of Chemical Weapons
Will the refugees return to post-war Syria?
Latest developments vis a vis Iran
Turkey-U.S. Latest Developments
Israel-Gaza ceasefire – arrangement, agreement or understanding?
Syria - status quo vs. antebellum
Gaza: Cease-fire or war
Turkey, latest developments
Iran under a new sanctions regime
Latest developments on the Gaza Strip
The Syria conflict, latest updates
Latest developments in Syria
Turkey elections
Israel-Gaza: Ongoing challenges amid international condemnations
Iran's nuclear aspirations
Regional power balance, amid threats of conflict
The use of international mechanisms in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict
Israel’s preparedness for a war with Iran
Regional attempts for a long lasting Israel-Gaza cease-fire
EU’s ongoing attempts to preserve the JCPOA
Turkey-Israel diplomatic row
U.S. withdrawal from the JCPOA
Latest developments on the Israeli-Palestinian flareup
Jerusalem's international standing
The fate of the Iran nuclear deal
Israel gears up for upcoming security Challenges
The EU's perseverance in the JCPOA
Turkey amid regional developments
Israel vs Iran, threats and actions
The U.S. Vs Russia, on a course of collision?
Syria on the brink of calamity
The Muslim world versus the west
Is Israel an apartheid state?
The reality of a two-state solution
Egypt: al-Sisi’s second term in office
Lebanon's political future
Saudi challenges amid regional rivalries
Israel’s readiness for possible conflict
Turkey’s challenges in Syria
Israel and Lebanon, land and maritime border disputes
Western international interests in the Middle East
The significance of the U.S. embassy relocating to Jerusalem
Israel's greatest concerns in Syria
Egypt's Presidential elections
Jerusalem and the Arab world
Position of the U.S. led coalition against the Islamic State
Turkey and the Kurdish militias in Syria
Iraq between the US and Iran
Is Israel heading to war with Iran?
International success and failures in reaching a political solution to Syria
Israel’s possible flare-up with its northern enemies
Saudi Arabia’s influence in the region
Egypt's role in the Middle East
One year into Trump’s presidency
The Israeli-Palestinian conflict 2018
Turkey's southern frontier, West versus East
The future of the nuclear agreement with Iran
The Status of Jerusalem
The Ayatollah regime amid public unrest
2017 regional recap
Damascus, diplomacy vis a vis war
Israel in the Muslim world
Jerusalem the capital of Israel
The fate of Kurdish aspirations in Syria and Iraq
Washington's efforts to restart an Israeli Palestinian peace process
Latest developments in Russia's policy toward the Mideast
Jerusalem Studio exclusive with Israel's Intelligence Minister Yisrael Katz
The Middle East and the 'arms market'
Israel vs Gaza amid Palestinian reconciliation
The Yemen conflict
The fate of the foreign fighters following the fall of the Islamic State
Lebanon in the center of Saudi-Iranian rivalry
100 years to the Balfour Declaration, a regional approach
Washington's Middle East strategy on confronting Iran
Kurdish aspirations for statehood
Russian-Iranian relations amid gains in the Syrian civil war
Palestinian rivalries
Fri 13.10.2017 at 20.30Israel elevating its position within the international community
International efforts to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict
The future of the Iranian nuclear deal
The Kurdish independence referendum in Iraq
The defeat of the Syrian opposition
Egypt between the US and Russia
Israel's regional standing ahead of the UN General assembly
Israel's concerns over post war Syria
Islamic terror in the streets of Europe
Turkey's ongoing efforts to bolster its global influence
Did Iran violate the nuclear agreement?
Israel's defensive efforts amid growing challenges
Hezbollah's growing influence amid military accomplishments
Iranian President Hassan Rohani's second term in office
US regional coordination amid strained relations
The fate of the Islamic State
Regional tensions surrounding the Temple Mount
Israel as a gas exporting state
Palestinian rivalries, threats of a violent flare-up
The regional crisis surrounding Qatar
The regional rivalry between Iran and Saudi Arabia
NATO and the Middle East
Egypt amid growing security threats
Jordan: a base of operations against regional terror groups
Islamic terror strikes the West
50 years to the reunification of Jerusalem
Iran's foreign policy following its Presidential election
US President Donald Trump's first Middle East tour
Turkey's stance on Israel and the Palestinians
The U.S. decision to arm Kurdish militias in Syria
Israel-India relations and its regional/global implications
Palestinian prisoners, terrorists or freedom fighters?
Turkey's referendum and its implications on policy
The rise in global Islamic terrorism
A change of policy to the US involvement in Syria
Israel and Hamas on a course of collision
The West in the face of returning militants from the Middle East
Israel and moderate Arab countries: enemies or strategic partners?
The strait of Hormuz, free navigation amid Iran's maritime policy
China's interests in the Middle East
The rising tension between Israel and its neighbors
Escalating tension between international powers operating in Syria
Washington's renewed efforts to revive the Israeli Palestinian peace talks
Islamic State in Sinai raises priority of targeting Christians
Israel's new bid to show Iran's true nature
UN backed peace talks to the Syria conflict
State comptroller's 2014 Gaza report
Jordan's role in Middle Eastern Affairs
Moscow's use of its regional involvement as leverage amid Western Scrutiny
Is Hezbollah planning for a next round of fighting against Israel?
Egypt’s Islamic insurgency
The US-led campaign against the Islamic State
Israel-Palestinian conflict under the Trump Administration
Iran in violation of international restrictions
Israel and the European Union relations
Political process to the Syrian conflict
The Yemen conflict, regional and international implications
Iran following the inauguration of Pres Trump
The shifting dynamic of alliances and control in the Middle East
US President Donald Trump's Middle East policy
Israel's morality in the battlefield
Turkey, Terror vs civil freedoms
The relationship between the world body and Israel
Israel's challenges during 2016
Eight years to the Obama Administration
Developments in the Syrian civil war
Libya, a nesting ground for Islamic Extremism
Fri 16.12.2016 at 20.30Israel's wildfire disaster, drawing conclusions
Israel-Egypt relations
Donald Trump's presidential victory and its meaning for the Middle East
Shi'ite – Sunni rivalries: On the course of major collision
Humanitarian challenges to the Aleppo crisis
The battle of Mosul
Israel's Home Front preparedness
Egypt amid regional challenges
One year to the wave of violence
Israel's international standing
Russian initiative to advance Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiations
Saudi Arabia – Iran Rivalries
Western involvement in the Middle East
Iran-Russia cooperation
The Kurds, a meager force or significant player
post-coup-attempt Turkey, regional & international implications
Israel's regional/international strategic partnerships
Israel's Defense-Offense capabilities
Clinton or Trump, what does it mean for Israel?
Russia-Israel relations
Muslim Sunni-Shi'ite divides and confrontations
International efforts to revive the Israeli-Palestinian peace process
Regional Islamist organizations
Turkey's challenges amid international turmoil
Viable Solutions to the Syria Conflict
Israel's current international standing
Egypt's regional standing amid significant changes
EU-Turkey migration agreement and its implications
Emerging frictions between Iran and the West since the nuclear accord
Islamic State: Force to be reckoned with or 'just another Islamist organization'?
Israeli-Palestinian negotiations viable amid regional turmoil?
Russia vs USA in the Middle East
Iranian elections and its domestic, regional and international implications
Syria, Cessation of Hostilities?
Israel's strategic security focus in the midst of regional shifts
Turkey & Israel, from a strategic alliance to regional rivalry
Syria's conflict reality, rapidly changing
Five years since Egypt's revolution
The United States' regional (M-E) involvement
Middle East Arms-race among regional rivals
Saudi-Iranian crisis and its regional implication
Israel in the face of radical Islam
2015 has been an eventful year both for Israel and the entire region
2015 has been an eventful year both for Israel and the entire region
Israel in the midst of chaos
Point of friction among International Powers in the Syria conflict
Looking into the terror organizations behind today threats
Terror threats hover over Europe and their implications on the Middle East
Israel's regional standing
Turkey Parliamentary election and its implications
Egypt's challenges in the midst of terror
Israeli-Palestinian conflict – What is the meeting of the Status Quo
Turning point in the Syria conflict
Clashes surrounding the Temple Mount & Freedom of Worship
Russia's regional interests & aspirations
Jordan's regional standing
Egypt, in the midst of terror & economic challenges
The worst humanitarian disaster since the end of the cold war
Syria acting as a marionette as the situation deteriorates
The nuclear agreement with Iran and its future implications
New strategic developments in Syria's conflict
Stalemate in rehabilitation of the Gaza Strip
Nuclear Negotiations with Iran – Deadline looms ahead
International bid to restart the Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiations
Sunni – Shi'ite Muslim wars in the battle of regional dominance
Israel's new government and its current challenges
Egypt - fighting for its survival
Israelin ja palestiinalaishallinnon väliset rauhanneuvottelut
Iranin ydinohjelmasopimuksen puoliaika
Israel's Parliamentary-Election and the coalition negotiations
Iran's efforts to manipulate the Media and Public Opinion on its nuclear program
The ongoing conflict with the Islamic State of Iraq and Levant
Israel's Parliamentary Election
Negotiations Iran & P5+1
Failed negotiations on Tehran's nuclear program extended to a new deadline
The Dynamics Between Protesters To A State
The dangers of a possible popular uprising amongst Palestinians in Israel and the West Bank
Ongoing Negotiations between Iran and World Powers nears its deadline
Rising Tensions on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem's old city of Jerusalem
Palestinian's draft resolution to the UN Security Council
Ongoing negotiations between Iran and the P5+1
Islam and the rising threat of extremist groups
Turkey in a region of turmoil
The Israeli governments’ unity in the face of a conflict
Alleged war crimes accusations during operation protective edge
Superpower Tensions Revival in The Middle East
Operation Protective Edge and its implications on Israel and the region
Presidential Election in Syria and Egypt
'Price Tag'
Israel’s gesture to the Palestinian Authority
Palestinian reconciliation agreement and its repercussions on the current reality
Palestinian refugees
US-Israel relations
Israel's demographic complexity in a difficult Israeli reality
The Ukraine crisis influence to the Middle East
The Islamist Hamas terror Organization’s crisis in the Gaza Strip
EU companies’ divestment from Israeli Banks
Israel's handling and preparation of natural disasters
Relations between Israel and the Gulf States
Russia’s Interest And Involvement In The Middle East
Almost A Year To The Netanyahu Government
Rise of China; Chinese interest in the Middle East – Israel
The Islamist Hamas organization - Rulers of the Gaza Strip?
Iranian Negotiations With West On Its Nuclear Program
The Syrian Crisis
New Middle East
EU Financial restrictions on Israeli institutes and companies beyond the 1967 borders
gypt – Revolutions, future of the peace treaty with Israel, the impact on the region
Jewish Presence on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem
Resumption of Israel/Palestinian peace negotiations
Israel Space Industries
The threats of Cyber in a new era
Palestinian Authority and its role in the peace negotiations with Israel
The unrest in the Sinai Peninsula
Future expectations following the government coalition formation
World economy and its implications on Israel
Where will the Palestinian State be established?
Israel-Turkey relations