Jordan’s Strategic Woes and the Ramifications for Israel

Earlier this week, Jordan’s King Abdullah II appointed his Chief of Staff Jafar Hassan to form a new government, following last week’s Parliamentary elections. The Hashemite Monarch has commendably been trying to modernize the Kingdom’s political system, so as to better reflect the views and aspirations of a restless new generation. The problem, however, is that the most adamant element in the Jordanian public, a distinct minority, is Islamic and bitterly anti-Israeli. The border with Israel, which used to be quite secure, is now porous, which enabled a terrorist to sneak through and kill three Israelis.

This is also a testament to Iranian efforts to use Jordan as a corridor through which weapons and explosives are being smuggled to West Bank terror cells. Is the Hashemite Regime strong enough to withstand these pressures? Joining us for the analysis:
- Host : Jonathan Hessen : Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute
- Editor at Large : Amir Oren : Host of Watchmen Talk and Powers in Play
- Col. (Ret.) Joel Rayburn : former Senior Director at the National Security Council in Washington & Special Envoy for Syria ; Founding Director of the American Center for Levant Studies
- Dr. Nir Boms : Research fellow, Moshe Dayan center , Tel Aviv University

Jerusalem Studio

The program offers the viewer deeper understanding about current events in Israel. The topics vary from domestic and foreign policy to social changes, archaelogy and religion.

The program is hosted by TV7 Israel News anchor Jonathan Hessen.

  • First broadcast: September 24, 2024, TV7 World
  • Episode number: 884
  • Duration: 30 min
  • Spoken languages:
  • English
  • Subtitles:
  • Finnish