On January 23rd 1950 the Knesset, Israel’s Parliament, adopted a proclamation declaring Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel. 45 years later the United States congress passed a public law called the Jerusalem embassy act which urged the federal government to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and relocate the US embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Nevertheless it took 22 years for an American President to adopt the law, with President Donald Trump declaring on the 6th of December that it was time to officially recognize Jerusalem as the capital of the Jewish State.
To further discuss the declaration and its significance I am joined here in the studio by Prof. Hillel Frisch, Senior Researcher BESA center; Prof. Zeev Hanin, Expert on Russian and Middle Eastern Studies, Bar Ilan and Ariel Universities; Dr. Amira Halperin - Research fellow at the Hebrew University's Truman Institute and TV7 Analyst Mr. Amir Oren.
Jerusalem Studio
The program offers the viewer deeper understanding about current events in Israel. The topics vary from domestic and foreign policy to social changes, archaelogy and religion.
The program is hosted by TV7 Israel News anchor Jonathan Hessen.