When Israel looks North, towards the two neighboring countries yet to sign peace agreements with the Jewish State, it also looks to East. That is, of course, because whatever happens in the frontlines with Syria and Lebanon is inspired and even directed by the Ayatollah regime in Tehran. That is why Israel takes a holistic approach to its Northern frontier, viewing attacks launched at its Galilee and Golan districts as part of the Iranian-Israeli confrontation. What, then, lies behind the recent conflagration North of the border?
Guest Major General (Res.) Gershon Ha-Cohen, IDF Army Corps Commander, Brigadier General (Res.) Doron Gavish, IDF's Former Air Defense Chief and Amir Oren.
Jerusalem Studio
The program offers the viewer deeper understanding about current events in Israel. The topics vary from domestic and foreign policy to social changes, archaelogy and religion.
The program is hosted by TV7 Israel News anchor Jonathan Hessen.