Israel’s Geo-Strategic Woes, amid Prospects of Escalation - Part I

Israel has always managed its strategic interests and aspirations according to a three-layer perspective. The inner ring had to do with the Palestinian population or entities either within its sovereign territory or adjacent to it. The next ring was composed of three neighboring Arab countries, initially all hostile, eventually some yielding to reality and making peace with it. The external ring was removed by hundreds of kilometers from Israel’s borders and therefore featured both enemies such as Iraq and Libya and regimes such as Tehran’s and Ankara’s, whose policy towards the Jewish State changed with internal circumstances.

In today’s discussion, we’ll try to look at Israel’s strategic concerns according to these three rings, saving a fourth one, that of global powers, for another day. Joining us for the analysis:
- Host : Jonathan Hessen : Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute
- Editor at Large : Amir Oren : Host of Watchmen Talk and Powers in Play
- Dr. Rafael Bardaji : former Spanish National Security Advisor and CEO of World Wide Strategy
- MG (Res.) Gershon Ha-Cohen : IDF Army Corps Commander

Jerusalem Studio

The program offers the viewer deeper understanding about current events in Israel. The topics vary from domestic and foreign policy to social changes, archaelogy and religion.

The program is hosted by TV7 Israel News anchor Jonathan Hessen.

  • First broadcast: August 23, 2024, TV7 World
  • Episode number: 876
  • Duration: 30 min
  • Spoken languages:
  • English
  • Subtitles:
  • Finnish, Swedish