God sent Jesus, who become one of us and showed us God's will and love by healing, delivering and forgiving everyone that came to Him. Teaching by Rory Kaye.
He promises His Holy Spirit for every believer, to teach us, lead us and give us eternal life. Jesus shed His blood on the cross to ratify the New Covenant, which consists of four amazing promises from God.
Exploring the Bible
Rory Kaye (former Rollnick) was born into the Jewish community in New York. After his graduation, he became a successful businessman until he met Jesus at the end of the 1970's.
In 1986, he settled in Gothenburg, Sweden, with his wife Gunilla and established the foundation "International Arts and Media". Kaye travels widely to teach the Word of God. He is also active in his home town as pastor of an immigrant church, and leader of an all-Christian music café.